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The FOX LeMelle Project BRIAN FOX+DANIEL LeMelle + guests

The FOX/ LeMelle Project BRIAN FOX+DANIEL LeMelle + guests


O projeto Fox/LeMelle é a colaboração do baixista Brian J. Fox e do saxofonista Daniel T. LeMelle. Com uma incrível variedade de gravações e performances como pano de fundo histórico, a dupla se uniu com o objetivo de criar música espontânea e perigosa enraizada nos aspectos improvisados ​​do Jazz e nos ritmos do R&B, Funk, Afro-cubano e brasileiro. . A banda explora a interseção da música criada por músicos afro-americanos ao longo dos últimos 2 séculos e os ritmos que impulsionam essa música, desde afro-cubana até latina, swing e brasileira. Daniel tem sido parte integrante da cena musical americana desde a década de 1970, gravando, colaborando, produzindo e se apresentando com artistas como Teena Marie, Rick James, Stone City Band, Chaka Khan, Bobby Brown, DeBarge, Smokey Robinson e outros. Membro chave da Stone City Band, a influência de Daniel pode ser ouvida através de sua produção, escrita e performances em sucessos como Super Freak, Come Into My Life, Love Gun e muitos outros. Brian nasceu em uma família musical onde seu pai é formado em composição musical e física, e cresceu ouvindo seu irmão mais velho, o famoso compositor e pianista contemporâneo Donal Fox. Brian começou a tocar baixo aos 11 anos e mudou para o baixo elétrico aos 12. Brian gravou ou apareceu no palco com Stanley Clarke, Lenny White, James Wood (Dishwalla) e, mais recentemente, com Ronnie Laws.

– The Fox/LeMelle project is the collaboration of bassist Brian J. Fox and saxophonist Daniel T. LeMelle. With an incredible array of recording and performances as a historical background, the duo has come together with an eye to creating spontaneous and dangerous music rooted in the improvisational aspects of Jazz and the rhythms of R & B, Funk, Afro-Cuban, and Brazilian. The band explores the intersection of music created by African American musicians over the last 2 centuries, and the rhythms that power the drive behind that music, from Afro-Cuban, to Latin, Swing, and Brazilian. Daniel has been an integral part of the American music scene since the 1970’s, recording, collaborating, producing, and performing with artists such as Teena Marie, Rick James, Stone City Band, Chaka Khan, Bobby Brown, DeBarge, Smokey Robinson and others. A key member of the Stone City Band, Daniel’s influence can be heard through his production, writing, and performances on such hits as Super Freak, Come Into My Life, Love Gun and many others. Brian was born into a musical family where his father holds degrees in music composition and physics, and grew up listening to his older brother, noted contemporary composer and pianist Donal Fox. Brian started playing bass at the age of 11, and moved to the electric bass at age 12. Brian has recorded or appeared on stage with Stanley Clarke, Lenny White, James Wood (Dishwalla), and most recently with Ronnie Laws.

Le projet Fox/LeMelle est la collaboration du bassiste Brian J. Fox et du saxophoniste Daniel T. LeMelle. Avec un incroyable éventail d’enregistrements et de performances comme toile de fond historique, le duo s’est réuni dans le but de créer une musique spontanée et dangereuse enracinée dans les aspects improvisés du jazz et les rythmes du R&B, du Funk, de l’afro-cubain et du brésilien. . Le groupe explore l’intersection de la musique créée par des musiciens afro-américains au cours des deux derniers siècles et les rythmes qui alimentent cette musique, de l’afro-cubain au latin, en passant par le swing et le brésilien. Daniel fait partie intégrante de la scène musicale américaine depuis les années 1970, enregistrant, collaborant, produisant et jouant avec des artistes tels que Teena Marie, Rick James, Stone City Band, Chaka Khan, Bobby Brown, DeBarge, Smokey Robinson et d’autres. Membre clé du Stone City Band, l’influence de Daniel peut être entendue à travers sa production, son écriture et ses performances sur des succès tels que Super Freak, Come Into My Life, Love Gun et bien d’autres. Brian est né dans une famille de musiciens où son père est diplômé en composition musicale et en physique, et a grandi en écoutant son frère aîné, le célèbre compositeur et pianiste contemporain Donal Fox. Brian a commencé à jouer de la basse à l’âge de 11 ans et est passé à la basse électrique à 12 ans. Brian a enregistré ou est apparu sur scène avec Stanley Clarke, Lenny White, James Wood (Dishwalla) et plus récemment avec Ronnie Laws.

The FOX/ LeMelle Project BRIAN FOX+DANIEL LeMelle + guests

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