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Dub Tiger Bday Bash - Kremlin

Dub Tiger Bday Bash – Kremlin

“Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Boss
Happy birthday to you
Thanks, dear Boss
For all the things you’ve done
The battles that you’ve won
The way you deal with the pandemic
And our anxiety and stress by the ton
We thank you so much
Everybody, Happy Birthday to Dub Tiger!”
🇵🇹 O curador, produtor, artista, mentor, amigo, pai e irmão Dub Tiger faz anos e nós não poderíamos estar mais felizes em voltar a celebrar juntos! Não temos mãos a medir com a festa que estamos a preparar, mas prometemos que vai ser de arromba!

🇬🇧 Curator, producer, artist, mentor, friend, father and brother Dub Tiger is about to celebrate his birthday, and we couldn’t be happier to celebrate together again! We have our hands full with the party we are throwing, but we promise it’s going to be a blast!

Dub Tiger Bday Bash – Kremlin

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