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Arroz Ciao Ciao Novo Ano New Year

Arroz Ciao Ciao: Novo Ano / New Year

New Year’s Eve marks the end of a year and the beginning of a new chapter. For the first celebration of this kind in almost 2 years, we firstly have invited some of the artists that have been by our side through this period and helped us further define our identity.
Secondly, and because this transition also represents a new cycle, we also gathered some new faces to join our family, and help us trace the following year ahead of us. Come spend this iconic evening with us and get ready for some surprises.
Ciao ciao x
A Costureira
Guy From 1990 (midnight set)
Nick Craddock
Mamma Tehrani
1st Release (anytime entry) – 10€
General release (enter before 12) – 10€
General release (entry after 12) -15€
2021 membership is valid for the duration of this event
Medidas Covid-19:
É necessária a apresentação de certificado digital CV19 ou teste negativo.
– Mantenha uma distância física.
– Lave as mãos com a maior frequência possível.
– Se não se sentir bem ou se tiver uma temperatura elevada, por favor permaneça em casa.
Covid -19 measures:
Dgital CV19 certificate or a negative test shall be asked upon entry.
– When queuing at the bar or toilet please keep a distance.
– Wash your hands as often as possible.
– If you feel unwell or have a high temperature, please stay home.
O Arroz Estúdios é uma associação cultural sem fins lucrativos, uma adesão é necessária para entrar. O custo de adesão é de € 3 com a duração de um ano.
Arroz Estúdios is a non-profit cultural association, a membership is required to enter.
Membership cost is €3 and lasts one year.
2021 membership is valid for the duration of this event

Arroz Ciao Ciao: Novo Ano / New Year


31 Dez 2021




Arroz Estúdios
Av. Infante Dom Henrique, 1900-320 Lisboa

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