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WAx Xmas Edition - Reset - Auad - Anda

WAx Xmas Edition – Reset – Auad – Anda

Preparem-se para um takeover festivo! WAX XMAS EDITION chega ao Kremlin no dia 13 de dezembro, trazendo as batidas de RESET, AUAD e ANDA! A produtora lisboeta prepara uma sessão repleta de boa música, perfeita para dar início às celebraçõesda época. Aponta na agenda e que comecem as festas! #WAXXMAS – Brace yourselves for a festive takeover! WAX XMAS EDITION is hitting the Kremlin on December 13, bringing the ultimate Christmas celebration with beats by RESET, AUAD, and ANDA! The Lisbon-based event producer is planning a night full of good music, perfect for kicking off the season’s celebrations. Mark your calendars and let the parties begin! #WAXXMAS



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