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Turkana (Nyege Nyege), Lake Haze, BLEID, Phoebe - Planeta Manas

Turkana (Nyege Nyege), Lake Haze, BLEID, Phoebe – Planeta Manas

December is here and we’re determined to close the 2023 chapter with a dreamy key. For this first night of the month, we are extremely excited to welcome two of our favourites to ever do it: Turkana of Nyege Nyege / Anti-mass fame will bring us futuristic beats, imaginative breaks, basslines and melodies of exquisite taste. From local legend Lake Haze we expect no less than his incredibly magnetic raw electro and techno. Our lovely residents BLEID and Phoebe complete the line-up with trusty make-you-move quality trax. ✶ No form of prejudice will be accepted in our events: we are a community space with zero tolerance for racism, transphobia, homophobia, fatphobia or any kind of discrimination towards your fellow ravers ✶ DM for address – this is a members-only venue, you can make your membership card at the door ✶ This is a cash-only event ✶ If you would like to join but cannot afford a ticket this time, DM us ✶


Turkana (Nyege Nyege), Lake Haze, BLEID, Phoebe – Planeta Manas