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The Acrylic Rib - Bota

The Acrylic Rib – Bota

Field played with Cirera who played with Brice who played with Field. Cirera played with Brice who played with Field who played with Cirera. Brice played with Field who played with Cirera who played with Brice. So it was more desire than logic that made the three wanted to play together. Then there were the confinements …Finally they will be together in a brand new trio.

How’s this – The Acrylic Rib is Albert Cirera (saxophones), Olie Brice (double bass) and Nicolas Field (drums). They play improvised music, ranging from full on free jazz to melodic interweaving counterpoint, noisy textures to delicate timbral interplay… Their debut album will be released in March 2023

Entrada: 7 Botas

Reservas: https://forms.gle/Ys6vwdj4SZ4qCgg96

+ informações: [email protected]

The Acrylic Rib – Bota


26 Jan 2023




BOTA (Base Organizada da Toca das Artes)
BOTA (Base Organizada da Toca das Artes)
Largo Santa Bárbara 3d, 1150-287 Lisboa

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