Techno Therapy – L&M Connection, Jorginho – hosted by Dub Tiger
2023 arranca da forma que mais gostamos: com uma sessão de Techno Therapy para animar os espíritos para o resto do ano! LM Connection e Jorginho são os primeiros a subir à cabine do Kremlin neste novo ano para uma sessão de sons, estilos e narrativas distintas, mas alinhadas. Hosted by Dub Tiger – 2023 kicks off the way we like best: with a Techno Therapy session to lift your spirits for the rest of the year! LM Connection and Jorginho are the first to step up to Kremlin’s booth for a session of distinct but aligned sounds, styles, and narratives this new year. Hosted by Dub Tiger
Techno Therapy – L&M Connection, Jorginho – hosted by Dub Tiger