Mothership by Visionaries & FREAKY FICTION
Mothership by Visionaries & FREAKY FICTION
Mothership by Visionaries & Freaky Fiction Wednesdays, 11:30 pm to 8:00 am Lisboa Rio Every Wednesday, join us by the Tagus River at Lisboa Rio for an unforgettable event. We proudly present MOTHERSHIP by VISIONARIES & FREAKY FICTION. Ω TICKETS (Very Limited Capacity) ∙1st Phase – €10 on sale until 01am on July 20th – Includes 1 drink ∙Final Phase – €15 on sale until 07am on July 20th – Includes 1 drink ∙Open Beer Bar for all ticket holders until 01:00 ∙Birthday Guests – 19th and 20th July – FREE ADMISSION Ω VENUE LISBOA RIO Cais do Gás – Armazém A porta 7, Cais do Sodré 1200 – 109 Lisboa Ω CONTACTS Visionaries PT // Lisbon, Portugal +351 961 766 413
Mothership by Visionaries & FREAKY FICTION