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Lost Frequency Rod B. , Satiik - Hosted by Dub Tiger

Lost Frequency: Rod B. , Satiik – Hosted by Dub Tiger

Preparem-se para o regresso de Rod B. ao Kremlin. A noite será conduzida pelo mentor da label Lost Frequency, que nos traz as suas paisagens sonoras texturizadas e sofisticadas. A acompanhar esta jornada sonora, está o anfitrião, Dub Tiger. Esta será uma sessão de ballet improvisado! – Get ready for Rod B.’s return to Kremlin. The evening will be led by the mentor of the Lost Frequency label, who will unleash his textured and sophisticated soundscapes upon us. Also joining him on this sound journey is the host, Dub Tiger. This will be an improvised ballet session!


Lost Frequency: Rod B. , Satiik – Hosted by Dub Tiger

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