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Já International Theatre: No Exit. at Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência

Já International Theatre: No Exit. at Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência

JÁ International Theatre presents a deliriously reimagined examination of existential angst in this original production based on scenarios in Sartre’s classic of the same name and Goethe’s Elective Affinities. Plunge into an accelerated spiral into the dark, clawing into the false triumphs, lasting regrets, and hollowed memories carving us from the inside out, of the oldest sport in the world- seduction! Disquiet reigns supreme in the action showcasing three people locked in an exitless room, with one another and themselves- each is both captor and captive in this sanitised hell.

The existential dread of being locked into an environment is part of our ongoing exploratory theme of Human in Nature- wherein we explore how inner nature is a mirror and a response to the outer one. And there is no better place in Lisbon to explore this, than at the Museum of Natural History.

This is one rugged risqué sulphur-laced feast, fit for demons.

Come if you dare, take the sanitised choo-choo train to Hell this June.


Learn more and reserve tickets: https://jait.pt/shop/


07 - 17 Jun 2023




Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência
R. da Escola Politécnica 56, 1250-102 Lisboa