FRIK all night long – Titanic Sur Mer
Yes its happening!!! FRIK all night long 20th January @titanicsurmer 23h45 / 06h00 MAYHEM IS UPON US Frik All Night Long is coming in collaboration with Wicked Family and Kursed System, in a journey through the hard spectrum of music. Frik has been waiting for the opportunity to show you the hardest music, not just Techno, not just Hardcore, but all his musical influences that built his character into one set only. You will now be able to discover what he’s really made of. This our first oficial party with our side project Wicked Family Wicked Family is a project dedicated to heavier sounds such as Hardcore, uptempo, hard industrial. A project in which we are not afraid of pushing too much..
FRIK all night long – Titanic Sur Mer