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Disrupt Industry Screenwriting Conference (DISC)

Disrupt Industry Screenwriting Conference (DISC)

Are you a storyteller who sees through a different lens than Hollywood does? If so, you’ll fit right in at DISC 2023. Join inclusive storytellers from around the world in beautiful Cascais, Portugal, to celebrate storytelling, highlight social justice issues, and connect with industry professionals at this revolutionary screenwriting conference.

DISC is hosted by Regan Film Institute (RFI), an international online screenwriting conservatory organized around social justice, inclusivity, and storytelling diversity.

Our focus is to encourage and empower you to create the kind of films that have never been made before—to put stories on the screen that may be hard to tell, but accurately represent your world and the people in it. The RFI community is made up of women, people of color, LGBTQIA+, differently abled students, neurodiverse persons and students of a wide range of ages who value people over profit and narrative diversity over conformity.

We believe in removing barriers, not reinforcing them. And we recognize that now, more than ever, the world needs disruptors—innovators and pioneers who aren’t afraid to write what no screenwriter has ever written before. People like you.