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Delfina Cheb - Bota

Delfina Cheb – Bota

At 18 years old Delfina Cheb was awarded a scholarship to get her double degree in Jazz composition and Voice performance at Berklee College of music. There she explored jazz and folkloric music from different regions such as south America, North America and the balkans. After that she went on to get her masters degree in Contemporary Musical Arts at the New England Conservatory. She is currently a doctoral student at the conservatory where she is continuing her research on Tango and South American music. As an educator Delfina has lead songwriting workshops for different communities in the Boston area including programs at the ICU COVID unit at the Massachusetts General Hospital, at the LGBTQ+ elder community of Boston and at assisted living facilities for seniors.

As a performer she has recorded two Tango albums in Argentina with renowned Spanish producer Javier Limon which she presented in Europe and Argentina over the last 4 years.

Entrada: 7 BOTAS Reservas: https://forms.gle/6AYbdryjW8Z9j19T7 + informações: [email protected]

Delfina Cheb – Bota


15 Jun 2023




BOTA (Base Organizada da Toca das Artes)
BOTA (Base Organizada da Toca das Artes)
Largo Santa Bárbara 3d, 1150-287 Lisboa
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