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ERIKO JANE TAKENO | “Oracle of Poeticscape” - Zaratan - Arte Contemporânea

ERIKO JANE TAKENO | “Oracle of Poeticscape” – Zaratan – Arte Contemporânea

Zaratan AIR
ERIKO JANE TAKENO | “Oracle of Poeticscape”
EXPOSIÇÃO | De 24 a 27 de Agosto 2023, 16:00 – 20:00
ARTIST TALK | 27 de Agosto 18:00
WORKSHOP | 26 Agosto, 15:00 (+ info: https://www.facebook.com/events/298714192704754)
ENTRADA | Gratuita
INFO | [email protected]
Temos o prazer de apresentar ‘Oracle of Poeticscape’ de Eriko Jane Takeno, que consiste numa colecção de 22 poemas e desenhos de caligrafia desenvolvidos durante a sua residência na Zaratan em 2023.
Os poemas e os desenhos que os acompanham, materializam o pensamento poético de Eriko como um método alternativo de cura. Inspirando-se nos arquétipos dos arcanos maiores do sistema tradicional de Tarot, Eriko desenvolveu 22 poemas, em inglês e japonês, e 22 desenhos simbólicos incutidos com a sua abordagem de cura poética. Poemas e desenhos são compilados num pequeno livro, para que cada um possa praticar o método de forma independente e fazer a sua própria cura. Através do projeto, Eriko partilha a sua viagem emocional de cura de dificuldades psicológicas, como a depressão, as descobertas de emoçōes via o pensamento poético e as suas experiências de cada um dos arquétipos no processo.
Complementam a exposição um workshop (26/08, 17:00) e uma conversa (27/08, 18:00), duas oportunidades para conhecer a artista e explorar o seu processo criativo.
BIO: ERIKO JANE TAKENO (1990, Londres) é artista, pesquisadora e poetisa. Licenciou–se em Artes e Literatura pelo Departamento de Língua e Literatura Francesa, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japão, e cursou o mestrado no Royal College of Art em Information Experience Design, R.U. Inspirando-se no filósofo Federico Campagna, que defende vulnerabilidade como uma possibilidade infinita de resolução (2018), Eriko explora as suas vivências introspectivas em práticas artísticas, transformando experiências subjetivas em métodos experimentais de ajuda em processos terapêuticos. Como parte da sua prática, dirige o workshop “Multimodal Sensory Workshop; Space as Medium, Poetic Thinking as a Tool”, no Japão, no R.U. e na Holanda, partilhando o seu método de cura. Investiga educação artística e a relação com saúde mental, focando-se na formaçāo baseada em artes do Black Mountain College, uma escola experimental nos E.U.A.. Foi nomeada para o Helen Hamlyn Design Awards 2019, incluída no catálogo “Design Research for Change 2019” do AHRC, editado por Paul A. Rodgers. É finalista do Korean Cultural Centre UK OPEN CALL 2019 e do programa bang.Prix 2020 na Turquia.
LINKS @erikojtakeno https://www.erikojtakeno.com/
Zaratan AIR
ERIKO JANE TAKENO | “Oracle of Poeticscape”
EXHIBITION | 24 to 28 August 2023, 16:00 – 20:00
ARTIST TALK | 27th August 18:00
WORKSHOP | 26th August, 15:00 (+ info: https://www.facebook.com/events/298714192704754)
ENTRY | Free
INFO | [email protected]
Zaratan is thrilled to present the ‘Oracle of Poeticscape’ a collection of 22 poetry and calligraphic drawings (2023) by Eriko Jane Takeno, artist in residency at Zaratan The ‘Oracle of Poeticscape’ is a project that includes 22 poems and calligraphic drawings accompanying
each poem, and Eriko introduces her poetic thinking as an alternative healing method with this project.
Being inspired by archetypes of the major arcana cards in a traditional tarot system, during her residency at Zaratan, she worked on 22 poems in both English and Japanese and 22 symbolic drawings, where she infused her poetic healing approach and turned them into a book for others to practice the method
independently and be their own healers. Through this project, she hopes to share her own emotional healing journey from her psychological difficulties, such as depression, her emotional discoveries with her poetic thinking and her personal experiences of each archetype in her journey.
The exhibition is complemented by a workshop (26/08, 17:00) and a conversation (27/08, 18:00), two opportunities to meet the artist and explore her creative process.
[BIO] ERIKO JANE TAKENO is an artist, researcher and poet (b.1990 London, UK). Inspired by the Italian philosopher Federico Campagna, who talks about vulnerability as an endless possibility for resolution (2018), Eriko explores her own introspective experiences through her art practice to discover ways for how fundamentally introspective experiences can help others in their healing process. Her research focuses on the quality of art education concerning mental health, based on an examination of the arts-centred education provided by Black Mountain College, an experimental school in North Carolina, USA. As a part of her art practice, she runs her workshop, ‘Multimodal Sensory Workshop;
Space as Medium, Poetic Thinking as a Tool’, to share her own healing method. The workshop has been run in Japan, the UK and the Netherlands. She holds her MA degree from the Royal College of Art in Information Experience Design, School of Communication in the UK. She has been nominated for Helen Hamlyn Design Awards 2019 and was included in the catalogue ’Design Research for Change 2019’ by AHRC edited by Professor Paul A. Rodgers. She is a finalist of Korean Cultural Centre UK OPEN CALL 2019 and bang.Prix program 2020 in Turkey.
LINKS @erikojtakeno | https://www.erikojtakeno.com/

ERIKO JANE TAKENO | “Oracle of Poeticscape” – Zaratan – Arte Contemporânea


24 - 27 Ago 2023




Zaratan - Arte Contemporânea
Rua de São Bento 432 - Lisbon
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